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Monthly Astrological Forecast : August 2024

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Venus, the love planet, enters Virgo on the 4th. As tempted as you may be, put the brakes on falling impulsively into a sizzling hot romance. You’ll be spared a lot of heartache by being uncharacteristically cautious. Don’t waste your energies on affairs, which will have a short life span.

The New Moon in Leo on the 4th can turn much of August into an extraordinarily love filled month. Rams involved in the arts professionally can showcase their talents to tremendous applause too. Let your light shine. This is not the time to hide it under a bushel.
Mischievous Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the 5th and in doing so causes some major mishaps and problems at the workplace.


New procedures or systems started at work now are doomed to chaos and eventual failure. Best to put their launch off until Mercury turns direct and returns to Virgo. If you’ve been planning on hiring someone to perform services, put them on hold too. Otherwise, the work will be poorly done.

The Aquarian Full Moon on the 19th beckons you to go more with the flow of life. Take a breather from the stress surrounding you. Contact friends and make time to spend with them. They’ve missed your exuberant spirit and will be glad to hear from you.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th in Leo and the lines of communication are restored between yourself and your kids. Finally, you may feel like they are actually capable of hearing what you are saying. Creative projects which were reworked are now ready to be shown.

Love will be in the air all around you when Venus enters Libra on the 29th. Unmarried Rams may be rendered dumfounded by their lover’s spoken desire to permanently cement their relationship. Those seeking a partner for a new business may be approached by the perfect candidate. New clients will be beating a path to your door.


Cupid’s arrow may entice you to become involved in a new romance when Venus enters Virgo on the 4th. Bulls already involved with someone, will become more demonstrative of their feelings. It will be easier now to express love and your innermost feelings.

Have you been caught up in such a frantic pace, that you feel like you’re running on empty? If so, the New Moon in Leo on the 4th offers you the chance to replenish and realign your inner energies. Obtain a renewed sense of being by nurturing yourself a little. Since it’s your Home Sector being highlighted, maybe a Feng Shui consultation is in order to reestablish balance and harmony.

With Mercury going into a retro tailspin on the 5th, you may start to second guess your usually superb artistic and creative talents. Instead of falling into this trap, try to rework and jazz-up past creations. Bulls with children may feel like the lines of communication with them got totally disconnected. An old love from the long ago past may resurface back into your life. Situations have changed dramatically for you both. But it’s still best to take it slow and easy before passing a final judgement. However, brand new love affairs now have a poor chance of success.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th focuses almost all of your attention on career. Self-employed Bulls should go on a massive PR blitz. The public will be intrigued and fascinated by you and any service or product you sell or represent. A gigantic spotlight at work will shine brightly on all the hard work which you do.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and communication between yourself and family members is restored. Those involved in either buying or selling property will find things moving swiftly.

Your ruling planet Venus enters Libra on the 29th. Little acts of kindness at the workplace can reap huge future rewards. Unattached Bulls may find love either on the job or thru people they work with. Those shopping for new employment will receive many attractive offers.


Venus enters Virgo on the 4th and helps to lighten up some of the dispositions of family members. She’ll also help you become more diplomatic in dealings with relatives and help you to motivate them in a gentler manner. Hosting a family reunion can do much to increase loving bonds and happy memories.

You’ll be over brimming with dazzling ideas and possess the ability to communicate them with clarity to others. All this will be thanks to the New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Use your unique salesmanship skills to advance in the direction of your dreams.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th and turns your life into a state of confusion and mix-ups. Forgotten family and childhood issues buried long ago in the past can resurface now. Use the retro energy to clean up their cobwebs. Home repairs which you foolishly have ignored can turn into major projects. Getting across your inner feelings with family members will be almost impossible.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th should eliminate any writing blocks you may have been experiencing. Gemini students can easily breeze through assignments, considered too mentally complex before. Wordsmiths turn the right phrases and create masterpieces in the process.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and you are finally able to get your ideas succinctly across to others. The past few weeks during his retrograde, you’ve probably wondered if you were speaking the same language to people. With the lines of communication uncrossed now, you can go full steam ahead and proceed to call on accounts and expect successful outcomes.

Venus enters Libra on the 29th and Cupid hit you with some arrows. A new and exciting lover can appear in your life and rock your existence. Twins with children will spend more time with them and build happy, playful memories. Those wishing to conceive may have their dream fulfilled.




With Venus entering Virgo on the 4th, you should start to experience a greater sense of harmony with neighbors and siblings. If you need their assistance with things, just ask. They will be more than happy to be of help under her vibes. Crabs wishing to sell their car can get top offers.

Due to the New Moon in Leo on the 4th, you could find a sudden windfall dropping into your lap. Take care though in making big ticket purchases during the month. Otherwise, it will all be gone in the blink of an eye.

Take your car to the mechanic and have it checked out for any potential problems before Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th. Travel plans will all be up in the air and go through many revisions. Getting your thoughts and ideas across to others will become a challenge. Promises either made by you or given to you by others may not be able to be kept.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th gives you the courage to clean up the closets of both your inner and outer life. Objects which are no longer of any use can be disposed of freely. People who are too detrimental to be in your sphere can be let go of freely.

To your relief, Mercury turns direct on the 28th. During his retrograde, you might have encountered more than your share of financial mix-ups. Now they will all start to right themselves. Funds promised will be received. Bonuses or raises will be forthcoming. Monetary problems will be able to be solved through shrewdly devising a new savings plan.

With Venus entering Libra on the 29th, you are encouraged to host a family get-together in your home. Her loving vibes will turn you into the perfect host or hostess for the occasion. Plus, it will give you a chance to mend broken fences with family members.


On the 4th Venus enters Virgo and showers you with financial blessings. Leo artists can demand and get top dollar for their work. Your immense skills will be in demand by a public willing to pay. Luxury items and decorations gathering dust in the attic can bring in a substantial reward.

With the New Moon in your sign on the 4th, you will be the center of attention. Be bold and creative with your self-image. All eyes will be upon you, and you can bask in their adulation.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th and brings some chaos to your finances in the process. Prepare to hear refrains like “The check is in the mail.” Try to have clients and vendors either pay up front or in cash for goods and services. Go over the amounts on all receipts for purchases and checks you write. Inspect all items before you buy them for potential defects.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th turns your attention away from your concerns to your partner’s. If you’ve been too focused on yourself and not enough on them, there may be trouble in paradise. Spend time with them and concentrate all your energies on making them happy.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and you can effortlessly get your ideas across to others. The past few weeks you may have suffered a lack of self-confidence in conversations. By making decisions, you may have also succumbed to second guessing your intuition.

When Venus enters Libra on the 29th, you will come across as the master of wheeling and dealing. Others will easily fall prey to your compelling sales pitches and presentations. Where matters of the heart are concerned, you can easily discuss your true feelings with your beloved.



Lovely Venus enters your sign on the 4th and has others lured to you like flies to honey. Your desirability potential will be off the charts. Accept all invitations to be out and about and meeting people. Love will be in the air all around you.

Normally you resort to your extraordinary analytical abilities in making important decisions. However, starting with the New Moon in Leo on the 4th, heeding your intuition will serve you better. Potent dreams can steer you in the right direction. Listening to subliminal recordings to either reprogram yourself for greater success or to eliminate negative habits should also be explored.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th, messing up the best laid plans. Don’t give in to the trap he may set of having you second guess yourself and question your self-confidence. Since Mercury is turning retrograde in your sign Virgo, this retro will have a bigger impact for you than the usual ones. There may be difficulty in expressing yourself clearly to others. On the plus side, Mercury retro in Virgo is an aspect of second chances for those in your sign.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th may uncharacteristically find you having to scramble to meet unfinished deadlines at work. The pressure may seem unbearable, but the rewards will be huge, if you get it all done and on time.

Mischievous Mercury finally turns direct on the 28th. Situations going on behind the scenes are revealed and can be dealt with accordingly. Your psychic antenna picks up on others with startingly accuracy.

Venus will fatten your bank account when she enters Libra on the 29th. Opportunities to increase your income should present themselves. Starting a sideline business now can bring great future profit. Where matters of the heart are concerned, only candidates who reek of stability should apply.


Your ruling planet Venus enters Virgo on the 4th and renders you more shy than usual. Don’t be drawn to a candidate for your heart who has a bucketful of problems. Instead look for someone who freely helps others. Get involved in relief efforts for those less fortunate or be helping in a local animal rescue group. There you might meet a future lover who is generous in spirit, instead of looking to benefit from your generosity in unscrupulous ways.

The New Moon in Leo on the 4th offers many opportunities for you to expand both your personal and professional social circles. New friends acquired under these rays will prove to be loyal. Plus, they’ll inspire you to stretch your underlying creative talents.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th and issues, people, and memories from the past all seethe up for you to deal with. Use the time constructively to clean up forgotten events which have been holding you back subconsciously. Your dreams may take on an added dimension to help guide you to future attainments.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th illuminates matters of the heart. Intense feelings can be stirred up by the lunar lights. You may have a strong desire to pour out your heart to your lover. If you’re not in a relationship, you may feel a keen sense of incompleteness and longing for love.

Mercury finally returns to a direct course on the 28th. You’ll discover all the last-minute cancellations from friends to meet-up with you were valid. They weren’t putting you off, Mercury was just up to his old tricks and causing chaos in your friendship department.

On the 29th Venus enters your sign. She will crown you the fairest of them all. Others will be captivated by your charming essence and appearance. Libras seeking love will have a hoard of admirers to choose from. Attached Libras can strengthen the loving bonds with their sweetie.


Venus enters Virgo on the 4th, and you can experience some interesting turnarounds with matters of the heart. A close friendship may evolve unexpectedly into a torrid romance. Also, someone who you have never been attracted to before, may suddenly start to make your heart go aflutter.

Long term career goals take center stage in your life due to the New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Filled with a passionate desire to achieve the deserved recognition which has been blocked, you’ll be propelled to go after it with a renewed intensity.

On the 5th Mercury reverses his spin and starts to retrograde. As tempting as it might be, don’t get involved with spreading petty gossip. Your witty remarks will come back to bite you. Instead use the retrograde in a positive way and look-up old friends on Face Book and reestablish ties with them. Comrades, who you normally count on, may not be able to come to your aid. They haven’t deserted you. It’s just that they have too many problems of their own now to handle.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th may force you to settle misunderstandings which might have developed unknowingly with relatives. Due to a heavy workload demanding your attention, they may have felt overlooked. Try to soothe their ruffled feathers by planning family time with impromptu get-togethers.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and communicational difficulties encountered with superiors start to quickly wane. The direction you want to go in professionally is crystal clear.

Venus enters Libra on the 29th and can easily lure you into an ill-fated clandestine affair. Guard your heart and also your bank account from insincere pleas for help. Otherwise, you can wind up getting sucked in over your head emotionally by a devious person.



Your public image will get the highest mark when Venus enters Virgo on the 4th. Self-employed Sags should seek as much publicity as they can get. A full-out promotional campaign for your goods and services will render tremendous financial rewards. Those seeking a mentor to help them navigate through the corporate world will be taken under the wing by the perfect advisor.

The New Moon in Leo on the 4th covers Archers with wanderlust. Suddenly, the call to travel is too much to ignore and you’re galloping off to a glamorous locale.

When Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th, you may become confused with your career goals. Put off all thoughts of making drastic changes with your job. If you wait until he turns direct and enters Virgo again, you’ll be thinking more clearly and more realistically. Archers seeking publicity may get it, but it may not be what you wanted.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th may make you too emotional in speech and writing to get your points across in an effective manner. Wait to respond to texts, emails, and phone calls until you have better control over your feelings. Otherwise, you may damage an important relationship.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and any confusion about your new school or courses will start to dissolve. Your fantastic dream abilities will be back in sync. Sagittarius writers will experience a surge of great ideas.

When Venus enters Libra on the 29th your social life will start to soar. Love can be found for the unattached at group gatherings like clubs, organizational meetings, and rallies. You’ll also attract new friends into your sphere who excel at being positive and expansive in their thinking and lifestyle.



Venus enters Virgo on the 4th and single Goats can meet their dream lover on a trip. If it would’ break the bank to fly off to another locale now, try going to foreign restaurants or ethnic fairs. Those from different cultures will be intensely drawn to you. Married Goats should plan a romantic second honeymoon to get the fires of passion burning brightly again.

Intense heights of intimacy can be reached this month between you and your beloved in both physical and emotional planes due to the New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Also, these rays are potent for devising an unbeatable financial strategy with business partners.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th and plays total havoc with any and all travel plans. It would be better to delay trips until next month when he turns direct. If that’s not an option, then double check all your reservations, tickets, and insure your luggage. Writing projects will demand to be edited and then edited again.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th presents opportunities to settle financial disputes in an affable manner. A past gamble with an investment may pay big dividends now. Do not make large purchases or investments. They will be based too much on your emotions and not your common sense.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and the lines of communication about finances between you and your partner are restored. Be open to listening to their ideas about managing monetary matters.

Venus enters Libra on the 29th, and you may find your professional and love life intertwined. You will be attracting potential lovers in high status positions. Your sparkling public image will draw many new clients to your door.



With Venus entering Virgo on the 4th, you demand intense soul to soul commitment from your lover. Unattached Aquarians will be attracted to those who emit an air of provocative mystery. Those with partners will find that they are more generous with spending money on you.

The New Moon in Leo on the 4th offers you the opportunity to share the spotlight with your lover or business partner. Remember the taste of applause is intoxicating for them too. You’ll find yourself seeking stability in all close relationships and rejecting insincere advances.

Impish Mercury decides to go retrograde on the 5th and throws a monkey wrench into obtaining additional funds. Steer clear of shopping for new loans for yourself or for a business. Better terms can be obtained when he goes direct and returns to Virgo. Investing in a new business will not meet with future success. Best to sit tight on all partnership decisions concerning joint monies or positions.

The Full Moon in your sign on the 19th makes it almost impossible for you to hide your emotions. A big lunar spotlight will be turned on you and the subsequent attention can be daunting. Praise will be forthcoming though for Water Bearers, who have worked hard, and they should bask in the applause.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th. Differences which sprung-up between yourself and your partner, can be successfully resolved. Your clients will pose less problems and voice less outrageous service demands.

The most romantic trip of the year can be found when Venus enters Libra on the 29th. The goddess of Love bestows amorous experiences in distant lands. Aquarians who write will receive rave reviews. Your public speaking skills will be applauded by captivated audiences.



With Venus entering Virgo on the 4th, a new dream business partner may appear. They will have the right mix of capital and talents, which you need. Unattached Fish will be setting out the right bait to land a great romantic catch. Those who are in a committed relationship will find their mate generous with both love and attention.

If you’ve slipped into bad habits of eating unhealthy food, avoiding exercise, or not getting the proper amount of sleep, the New Moon in Leo on the 4th can get you swimming in a better direction. By starting a fresh holistic regime now, you’ll have the tenacity to stick with it.

Use the energy of Mercury turning retrograde on the 5th to appraise your current love relationship. If they don’t measure up to your needs, a split may be the best course to take. However, wait until Mercury goes direct and returns to Virgo to break it off. Then cast your net in more loving waters. Unattached Fish may have a lover from the past resurface in their life.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th endows you with superb psychic and intuitive insights. Listen to your nighttime dreams. It will seem like they are giving you potent advice from other realms. People and situations from your past, from this lifetime or maybe others, may resurface.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th and the chaos at the office with fellow employees starts to settle down. Work schedules will flow in calmer waters.

When Venus enters Libra on the 29th, you’ll find your financial situation clearing up almost magically. Loans sought may get granted now. Your partner may experience a nice monetary boost too by getting a hefty bonus or long overdue raise.

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