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Monthly Astrological Forecast : September 2024

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On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde in the sector ruling your personal finances. He won’t be turning direct until we’re at the end of January, so expect the totally unexpected in all monetary matters. Investments which you had little hope for may reap extraordinary profits. Conversely, those which you anticipated high returns may fizz into oblivion. Uranus promises a wild ride on the road to riches.

Use the New Moon in Virgo’s energies on the 2nd to embark upon a new and improved diet and exercise program. Her rays should fill you with enough enthusiasm to keep you ardently following it.

Your ruling planet Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. He may propel you into having to take charge of mismanaged family matters. Exercise extreme diplomacy with relatives. Otherwise, you will be accused of being too bossy and they will fail to follow your lead.

No more excuses will be allowed to put off tasks when Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th. He’ll help you roll up your sleeves and take care of business in a practical and no-nonsense manner. Both physical and mental projects can be tackled with gusto.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th may require you to face the fact that certain situations in your life have reached the end of their cycle. It’s time to move on from them. Otherwise, new and more fulfilling possibilities cannot enter and manifest.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd and she will have lusty Rams seeking to attain the heights of passion in love. You will be overcome with the desire to achieve a greater sense of intimacy with your partner.

When Mercury enters Libra on the 26th, you can masterly wheel and deal with the best of them. Impasses stalling negotiations can be virtually shattered by your superb skills. Where matters of the heart are concerned, you can soothe differences with your beloved.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and will not resume his direct motion until late January. Stifle any overwhelming urges to have any major changes done to your appearance. Otherwise, you may be horrified at the results. Uranus may also drive you to act too independently for your own good. Others may see your new-found unconventionality as very eccentric and not attractive.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd will make you more desirous of receiving approval from others before proceeding in an independent direction. Don’t second guess yourself in matters of the heart. Be bold and conquer.

Others may not be prepared for you becoming so uncharacteristically assertive in speech when Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. Channel some of this verbal aggression into being more passionate in work presentations. Management will be blown away and you’ll be a giant step closer to a big promotion.

With Mercury’s passage into Virgo on the 9th, your creative ideas will win a standing ovation. Don’t keep your ingenious thoughts to yourself. They can prove to be quite inspirational to others.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th can test the strength of some bonds of your friendships. A situation or two may develop where they are forced to reveal where their true loyalties lie. Are they going to stick around, if the going gets rough or disappears?

Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd and she can aid you in resolving any pressing misunderstandings between yourself and your significant other. You’ll have the right words to put out any fires of conflict. Those in the market for a new accountant, attorney, or someone to handle social media for them, should find the right person to represent their interests.

Mercury enters Libra on the 26th and an opportunity may present itself, where you can enhance your work skills. Your mind is ripe to absorb new techniques and to readily apply them to the projects at hand. His transit is excellent for improving communications between yourself and co-workers. However, don’t let idle chit-chat get in the way of completing assignments.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. So, it’s extremely important for you not to reveal secrets told to you in confidence by others. The temptation will be high to do so. However, you will lose another’s trust if you do, and they may turn into a sworn enemy as a result.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd smiles loving rays upon all real estate endeavors. You’ll attract the requested price for your house and maybe even a little more. Twins, in search of new digs, should find the perfect place to call home.

Fiery Mars enters Cancer on the 4th, and you will be fully focusing all your attention on increasing your financial worth. Zapped with just the right amount of Martian aggression, you will succeed at all costs to become more fiscally solvent. Taking the right calculated risks now can reap superb rewards.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th. His passage will sharpen your powers of recall and help you retrieve even obscure facts from your memory bank. You can communicate in both a rational and personable way with others.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th may have you seriously questioning if you’re on the right career path. Does your current job utilize your talents to their fullest? If not, it might be time to explore other possibilities. The eclipse might also decide it all for you by shaking things up in the form of a layoff or transfer.

With Venus entering Scorpio on the 22nd, you establish friendlier ties with co-workers. By getting to know them better on a personal basis, all will work in greater harmony on joint projects.

Your ruler Mercury enters Libra on the 26th. Taking a course or reading extensively on financial speculation techniques may help you land a bundle in the market. You’ll experience a greater sense of ease in communications and can readily get your brilliant ideas across to others.



On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He may shake-up your relationships with close buddies.


You may start to see some of them through new eyes and the view may not be that all attractive. Ones, who you thought were totally dependable, may leave you to fend for yourself during difficult times. Causes, which you felt fervently about, reveal themselves to be fraudulent.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd fills you with a hunger to study something new. By signing up for classes or a workshop, you will be able to satisfy it. Use the lunar energies to catch up on all ignored correspondence and unreturned phone calls.

When Mars enters Cancer on the 4th, there will be no retreating into your famous shell. Others will be taken aback by your sudden burning, no-holds-barred ambition to succeed at all costs. His passage into your sign signifies the start of a new two-year cycle of growth for Crabs. It’s of utmost importance that you put into motion all that’s been sitting on the shelf waiting to be actualized.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th and as a result, you may become too quick to jump to conclusions. Get all the facts before you voice your opinions or make impulsive decisions.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th can compel those attending school to make profound changes with their studies. Crabs, who have been toying with the idea of getting a degree or certification, will take the deep plunge. However, do steer clear of situations involving unrest or confrontations on campus.

With Venus entering Scorpio on the 22nd, you can unleash your creative spirit. Tap into uncharted realms of inspiration by releasing your inner child. Unattached Crabs will find opportunities for new love all around them.

When Mercury enters Libra on the 26th, try getting out of your famous shell a little. You’ll find close ties can be immeasurably strengthened, if you share your deep emotions and feelings with them. Revealing your soft side will be for your benefit.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. The retrograde may fill you with renewed discontent regarding your status in life. The itch to start your own business will be impossible to ignore. Try not to let your disgruntlement get out of control and ruin your job in the process. Management at work may again go through one or more unexpected changes of the guard.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd brings in many new ways and means to increase your income. New ideas will be swirling in your consciousness on creative things to implement part time or on the side to bring in the bucks.

With Mars entering Cancer on the 4th, you may find you will get more accomplished by working independently on your own. Others may just hold you back or cause delays if you try to rely upon their assistance. Follow your gut instincts and you won’t be proven wrong.


When Mercury starts his passage through Virgo on the 9th, your head will be screwed on tight and able to make logical financial decisions. Review your expenditures and investments to achieve greater fiscal growth. Even little tweaks with incidentals and savings can lead to sound future rewards.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th can serve as a long past due wake-up call to get more involved with your investments. Things concerning your credit or taxes could come under scrutiny.

With Venus entering Scorpio on the 22nd, you become uncharacteristically more of a homebody. If you’ve wanted to glam up your place, you’ll be truly inspired to make the right artistic touches to it. Hosting a lavish party will get you many rave reviews.

On the 26th Mercury transits into Libra making you a wiz at multi-tasking. Some last-minute trips or phone communications may be necessary to finalize important deals. Logic and reason will prevail in your approach to making crucial decisions.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. Virgo students may become unsure if they’re taking the right major or should even be in school. It might become increasingly difficult to stay focused on formal studies. Expect the unexpected with travel. Trips may have to be cancelled, rescheduled, or even booked at the last minute.

The New Moon in your sign on the 2nd finds you looking in the mirror and deciding to try out a more trendy, glam look. By taking some time for yourself for a change, you’ll be reinvigorated.

You will adopt a “now or never” attitude concerning the pursuit of your innermost dreams when Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. Becoming single minded with your goals will bring them into fruition. Seek the aid of friends. They can be instrumental in helping you achieve what you desire. New friends made now can also be instrumental in the push forward.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters your sign on the 9th. He’ll make you exceedingly mentally sharp with the ability to focus like a laser beam on important projects. Never one to dodge duties, you’ll live up to your Virgo reputation of being the hardest working sign in the zodiac.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th highlights your partnerships both personal and business. It presents a time to examine not only their needs in it, but yours as well. If it all balances out, the relationship can flourish. If it can’t, it maybe time to call it quits.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd and will make others find conversing with you a pleasure. You’ll find know the right words to bring harmony to all stressful situations. Virgos with online businesses should experience a huge surge in business. It’s a great time to plan a profitable advertising campaign.

With your ruling planet Mercury entering Libra on the 26th, you will see finances thru the eyes of practicality. You’ll look for the best buy when making purchases and can even wrangle a better deal, if need be. Money spent on educational matters will be well spent.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He can turn your finances into a wild roller coaster ride. Old debts can be paid off. However, new ones can unexpectedly spring up in their place. Matters which you assumed were ironed out with your partner concerning finances, rear their ugly head again.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd asks you to donate some time and energy to those less fortunate than you. Whether it’s formally volunteering for a group or just aiding a friend in need during a crisis, it will be greatly appreciated.

Mars will help you blaze a path towards achieving the heights in your career when he enters Cancer on the 4th. Your accomplishments will be acknowledged, without you having to call attention to them. Libras who have been yearning to become self-employed, should do so now. Those who already own a business should be expanding it.

With Mercury entering Virgo on the 9th, the best council you can get is your own. Your intuition will be strong and better equipped to fret out answers than seeking them from others.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th may bring some difficult situations in dealing with employees or co-workers. One or more of them may have personal   problems which can infect the workplace atmosphere, rendering it quite toxic. As a result, everyone’s job performance can be impacted in a negative way.

Your ruling planet Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd. She should shower self-employed Libras with a big boost in sales. If you’re shopping for new employment, opportunities which include better pay and benefits will present themselves. You may also find that a possession or investment has increased tremendously in value.

With Mercury entering your sign on the 26th, your mind will become razor sharp. Others will be greatly impressed with your mental abilities. You’ll be able to articulate your personal feelings and intimate impressions with tremendous clarity and vision. Keep your bags packed for an unexpected trip or two.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He’ll bring choppy waters to your relationship. Either one of you may start to need more space and freedom. If it’s your lover and you want to keep them, let them have it. To do otherwise will destroy what you have. If it’s you, ask yourself if fooling around is worth losing what you have.

The New Moon’s lunar rays in Virgo on the 2nd promise an increase in social interaction. Get out and network up a storm. You can effortlessly boost professional contacts, and they will prove to be invaluable now and in the future.

Your co-ruling planet Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. He may make you a little too verbally opinionated for your own good. If you’re not cautious, you will come across as intolerant and narrow-minded. Others may avoid your company as a result. Stay away from writing scathing comments on social media sites too, or you may be banned from them.

Mercury transits into Virgo on the 9th. Use his passage to review your hopes, wishes and innermost dreams for the future. You can’t get to the right place unless you know precisely where it is you want to go.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th can test the strength of your romantic involvement. If it’s built upon a mutually strong commitment, it will be fortified and grow. If it’s not, it will end. Scorpios with children may get a wake-up call to keep closer tabs on them.

The Love Planet Venus enters your sign on the 22nd. Without having to do a single thing, others will be magically drawn to you. Unattached Scorpios will have their pick of new lovers to choose from.

Mercury transits into Libra on the 26th and increases your inborn abilities to psychologically figure someone out in the blink of your eagle eye. Their true motivations will be laid bare. However, keep your judgements about them to yourself. Now is not the time to show your cards. Play them close to the chest and be the winner.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He may tempt you into following some unwise fad diet or health regime. Archers may find employees staging a revolt or acting in very unprofessional uncooperative ways. Keep an eye on all those you hire for any type of service. When Uranus turns direct, you may find things were done very poorly.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd may find you taking a giant step up with your career. Shoot for the stars. Volunteer for a challenging project which others are too afraid to attempt. You have the know-how to complete it successfully.

Mars enters Cancer on the 4th and stirs up matters concerning joint investments and accounts. There could be some disagreements arising between you and your business or marriage partner as a result. Best not to let the fire of Mars turn the discussions into passionate arguments. Do take bold steps together, but temper it with a solid strategy. Reviewing your current taxes and insurance policies can save you a lot of money.

Sagittarians are famously known for their unbridled sense of candor. However, when Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th, keep it in check on the job. What you say and how you say it will be scrutinized by management.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th may bring some unwanted drama into family relationships. Try to be an adult in handling them. Don’t resort to childish tactics yourself or fall prey to another’s childish behavior. Your sense of inner security maybe shaken up a little.

Venus enters intense Scorpio on the 22nd and a secret admirer may confess their long suppressed deep simmering attraction to you. Keep all confidences shared from your lover under lock and key.

With Mercury transiting into Libra on the 26th, allow your ideas to be free and not constricted to conventional thought or ways. Thinking out of the box and letting your imagination run wild will give you the best course to follow.


On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. Goats with kids may find that they have a revolution on their hands. It will become increasingly difficult to get them to follow any rules. Creative pursuits deemed too “out there” by you before, can now be developed fully. Stop trying to fit a mold with your aspirations and allow yourself greater freedom of expression.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd may find you extremely bored with the status quo of your existence. Use this as a wake-up call to add more spice to your life. To shake things up a little, why not sign up for a course on expanding your spiritual understanding of the universe?

With Mars entering your opposite sign Cancer on the 4th, the road to a harmonious relationship may be fraught with a lot of bumps along the way. Misunderstandings can easily develop if you turn into an old Goat and refuse to compromise at every bend in the path. Use the fiery Martian rays instead to build bridges of compromise.

On the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo and your best educational experience might be had by going on a long-distance trip to a foreign land. You’ll learn volumes about others by experiencing different cultures firsthand.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th can mark a turning point with your communicational skills. It may challenge you to learn to listen more before voicing your opinion on sensitive matters. You can also go through a radical realignment with some of your core beliefs and change your view on them.

Fun times can be had with friends when Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd. Buddies will seek out your companionship and invite you to share in group gatherings. Unattached Goats may meet the love of their life through a close friend.

Mercury transits into Libra on the 26th and you’ll be required to make quick but flawless decisions on the job. You’ll be caught up in a flurry of correspondence and an unexpected trip may pop up. Take advantage of Mercury’s passage by seeking advice from a wise mentor.



On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He’s also your ruling planet. So, you’re even more effected by his backward spin. It may make it increasingly difficult for you to feel comfortable in your own home. Wild thoughts of moving or making drastic changes to your place might dance through your head. Unexpected company can visit or want to move in.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd brings in welcome news for Aquarians who have been seeking additional credit or mortgage approval. Also, better rates or terms may be achieved through negotiations. Use the lunar light to review your joint investments and discover improved ways to handle them.

When Mars enters Cancer on the 4th, you will be incredibly driven to succeed at all tasks you are performing on the job. It will seem the more work you do, the more energized you get from it. However, that may not be the same case for fellow employees. Try to use some tact in dealing with their laziness and lack of enthusiasm to get them motivated. Otherwise, disputes can easily erupt, or complaints made to HR about you.

Mercury entering Virgo on the 9th will help fine tune your inborn intuitive abilities. You’ll be able to effortlessly translate the subtle nuances of others in conversations with them.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th will focus attention on your financial well-being. Use its dynamic energies to pave a new pathway to prosperity. Thoroughly go over all your expenses and weed out all unnecessary frivolous expenditures. Use your innovative and unconventional mental abilities to create new sources of income from work or investments.

Venus transits into passionate Scorpio on the 22nd and helps you generate a truly sparkling public persona. Others will be captivated by how you present yourself and want to promote your services. Management will be more willing to acquiesce to your suggestions concerning work.

Aquarian wordsmiths should submit their works for publishing, with Mercury’s transit into Libra on the 26th. He’ll also fill students with a deep desire to study. Subjects which were once dreaded will be easier to comprehend than ever expected.



On the 1st, Uranus turns retrograde and won’t resume his direct motion until late January. Uranus is the Bad Boy of the zodiac because he can get us to do impulsive things which can be against our best interests. He may turn even a short trip into an eventful experience. Your ideas may seem too much out of touch with reality for others to comprehend. Actually, your thinking will be light years ahead of them, but they aren’t evolved enough to appreciate it.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd brings a sense of excitement to your love relationship. Spend more time and attention to your partner’s needs and desires. It will draw them even closer to you. Self-employed Fish should use the lunar energies to increase their clientele base by offering attractive sales incentives.

Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. His passionate vibes will heat up the waters you are swimming in and turn you into an attraction magnet. Your distinctive sense of creativity will be infused into all that you do. Being on everyone’s invite list, you may have trouble picking which ones to attend.

Beware of trying to go it alone with making important decisions when Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th. Bouncing off ideas with your partner is the best course to take. Their council can prove to be invaluable.

The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 17th may find you swimming in very emotional waters. You will begin to question if you are really happy and fulfilled with your life’s direction. If you’re not, the courage to make drastic changes to get to the right destination will be found within your being.

Venus transits into Scorpio on the 22nd. Keep your bags packed. There may be more business-related trips as a result. Unhooked Fish seeking love may find it in the classroom or on a trip.

With Mercury transiting into Libra on the 26th, you may be required to go on some short business trips to get things truly resolved in a satisfactory manner. The approach you take to problem solving will become deeper and more thought provoking. You’ll want to get to the bottom of what is causing any glitches and will leave no stone unturned in the quest.


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