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Monthly Astrological Forecast : January 2025

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You may feel less like flitting around like a social butterfly when Venus enters Pisces on the 1st. Instead, you will desire to go more within and establish deeper more meaningful ties. Rams in love have a tremendous opportunity to form a more profound relationship with their significant other.

Your ruling planet Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Once again, you may be propelled into taking charge of establishing peace and order within the family unit. Try not to come across too strong. Even though your help will be sorely needed, they may be overly sensitive to criticisms of what causes the problems.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th and helps to reinstate your reputation as the person at the workplace with brilliant ideas. Others will be seeking your opinion on important decisions for the company. Management will be impressed with your professional communicational skills.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th reveals a better balance must be established in your life with career and home. Ignoring one at the cost of the other can come at a high emotional price.


Mercury enters Aquarius on the 27th and you start to see things in life in a more upbeat tempo. By reviewing your hopes, wishes, and dreams, you can toss out what is no longer relevant and replace them with ones which are.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th will bring some totally unexpected changes with alliances and maybe even some friendships. Since a strong aspect from Uranus in thrown into the mix, expect it out of the blue. You can experience clashes with them over personal values or money and possessions.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, turns direct on the 30th. He will egg you on to take some tremendous gambles with finances. Use extreme caution before you take any risky plunges with investments. His urgings have a way of either bringing in a ton of money or losing it all in a dramatic matter. Do not throw caution to the winds but thoroughly investigate all money-making schemes and investments.


When your ruler Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st, she will render you the peacemaker in group settings. You will be the one who can help two friends patch up their differences. With team projects, you will have the right words to get all participants to work together with harmony and camaraderie.

Fiery Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Try to use his return to do needed revisions to reports which you might have rushed through. Focus your attention more on the details with educational projects and papers, if you want to get a good grade. Tone down coming across as being too assertive or argumentative in conversations with others.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th. He will escalate exchanges of messages and communications. Contacts may increase between yourself and people at a distance. Bulls in school should be hitting the books. Your mind will be ripe to easily absorb more difficult subject matters.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th may render you overly emotional in speech. Temper your responses and try not to jump to conclusions over what someone says or does. However, sales presentations can take on a winning dash of inner conviction and passion.

Mercury rules communication and he enters Aquarius on the 27th. As a result, he will grace you with more weight and meaning to your words at work. Management will want to know your opinion on handling projects. The answers you give and how you present them will have a big impact, good or bad, on your career.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th can bring in an unexpected new job offer. Do not necessarily reject it but do check out the validity of its promises. There could be a major shake-up with upper management where you work. Some big wigs may be out the door.

The Great Awakener, Uranus, turns direct on the 30th. You will start to feel the full impact of his promptings. He will, without warning, propel you into demanding more freedom of expression. Guard against allowing sudden impulses at impromptu moments to have you surrender to erratic behavior.


When Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st, you become increasingly more aware of your social position at work. She will give you the extra polish to shine brightly when giving presentations or handling prospective job interviews. Others will not question your status as an authority.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. His warrior vibes can help you attack your holiday bills and get them paid off in record time, by brutally eliminating all unnecessary expenses. Once again, you may be offered investments involving the right calculated risk, which potentially might lead to abundant rewards.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters conservative Capricorn on the 8th. As a result, your mind will be able to focus on practical matters in a cool, detached way. He will keep you from losing concentration and scattering your mental energies all over the place.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th can leave you open to unscrupulous people trying to take financial advantage of you through an investment or loan. Guard against reckless impulses urging you to buy impulsively. You will regret it later if you are not more restrained.


Mercury transits into fellow air sign Aquarius on the 27th. He will have you focusing on the Big Picture. However, try not to miss the important little things which are close in the process.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th makes you crave excitement through mental or physical expansion. The urge to travel to distant shores may become so overwhelming that you wind up booking an unplanned trip. Studying something new through a workshop or formal classes are excellent options to broaden your horizons.

The Great Awakener, Uranus, turns direct on the 30th. Try as you may to hide them, some dark secrets may become exposed. Best not to reveal anything personal to anyone, no matter how much you trust them.


When Venus enters Pisces on the 1st, you may be called upon at work to travel extensively. Your talents will be called upon to soothe long-distance accounts, who have felt neglected by your company. Cancers, who are teachers, should find their students are appreciative of their work and more than eager to learn.

Mars retrogrades back into your sign on the 6th. Once again, you will be emboldened to emerge from your famous shell. Success takes on greater importance for you. Now is the time to push forward and accomplish your ambitions.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th. He will give you opportunities to repair and reestablish the lines of communications with your partner. Plan having a sit down with them. You will be amazed how you both do see things in a similar manner.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th may have others testing and questioning your leadership abilities. This is not the time to crawl into your shell but stand your ground.

Mercury transits into Aquarius on the 27th. Take care that you do not become obsessive about uncovering certain matters which might be best left undisturbed. It is not the time to stir the pot.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th is an excellent time to go over your plans for retirement savings. Review the course you have been taking and talk to your financial planner, see if there are any better avenues to explore.

Uranus, the planet of revolution, turns direct on the 30th. He will be shaking up ties which you have with friends.  Those who have been a limiting force in your life will fall suddenly by the wayside. New bonds will be established with those who provide a clearer vision and help in attaining your true potential.


Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and the longing which you have had to reach a deeper level of intimacy with your partner, can be fulfilled. You are seeking a transformative experience through love and will not settle for anything less.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Once again working independently may prove to be your best course of action. Waiting for others to step in and help can delay or impair the project. Also, use his energies to refine plans which have been on the drawing board.


Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th and realigns your attention to taking a more practical approach to life. The first on your list of self-improvements should be better health. Mercury will guide you to the most beneficial exercise routines and innovative nutritional plan to follow.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th strengthens and enhances your intuitive abilities. However, you may become a little too sensitive to others’ negative energies and need to spend some quality time alone.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 27th. You may find yourself uncharacteristically wavering back and forth in making important decisions. Best to bounce ideas off close associates first for their unbiased opinions. They might give you a whole new way of viewing the situations.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th can bring with it a new beginning to your close relationships. By giving your significant other more time and TLC, you will reap greater intimacy and a stronger bond of love.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, will turn direct on the 30th. Thinking outside the box in ways to achieve new career goals will pave the path to success. A lot of surprising and totally unexpected twists and turns await you. Taking an innovative direction is the only course to follow.


Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and blesses unattached Virgos with an abundance of opportunities to find their perfect match. Business clients will become more generous by either signing up for more services or by giving you big tips for work done.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. He will light a fire within you to focus like a laser beam on your goals. Assistance from friends should be sought. One of them may have the ability to magically open the right doors for you.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on the 8th. He will greatly stimulate your creative abilities. Try utilizing the latest in child psychology and taking a more intellectual approach with your children. It will get you the best results.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th can cause a shake-up with either a group you belong to or with a close friend. It may be time to make the decision if you want to break off or air out all the petty grievances and stay friends.

Your ruler Mercury enters Aquarius on the 27th. He will help you do a systematic analysis of daily work procedures, which can save your company money in the long run.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th gets your energy focused on being in tip-top shape. Virgos will be hitting the gym and maybe even splurging on hiring a personnel trainer to get the best results.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, stops his backward spin and turns direct on the 30th. As a result, you may go through a transformative altering of strongly held beliefs. What you espouse as dogma will now go through some intense metamorphosis. Virgos, who are in school, may suddenly decide to change majors. Long distance trips will be packed full of totally unexpected happenings and people.


Your ruling planet Venus enters Pisces on the 1st and helps to sharpen your fine eye for details on the job. Those little extra touches you add to spiff up projects can mean the difference between it being just okay or being truly fantastic.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. He may make you second guess career decisions or even if you are in the right career. Keep all decisions about making changes with work on the backburner. It is not the time to act until he goes direct next month.

When Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th, you may find your psyche needs some alone time to process personal matters. Your power of concentration increases quite dramatically. Good time to make decisions concerning home and family matters. Your mind is ruled more by logic and less by emotions.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th shines a bright light on your career. If you have kept your nose to the grindstone the past month, a big promotion may be in the wings. If you have slacked off with responsibilities, then a negative review might be your reward.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 27th and gets your creative juices flowing. Unbridle your imagination and set it free. Be more willing to take artistic risks. Those with children can be of tremendous help in their school projects.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th makes your inner child demand to come out to play. Explore new ways to utilize your vast creative gifts. Love will be in the air for Libra, and you should socialize up a storm.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, turns direct on the 30th. In the process he will cause quite a bit of havoc for you with joint monies, retirement funds, taxes, and insurance matters. Look twice before you leap and make any radial changes in these areas.


Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and she turns you into a super charged love magnet. Your intense creative talents are acknowledged as superior. Those whose opinions can make or break your aspirations; give you rave reviews.

Your co-ruling planet Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Your opinions can be taken out of context now. So, it is best to keep them to yourself. Exert more caution on what you write on social media sites. Use Mar’s energies to edit papers which you have written.

When Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th, you develop an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Wanting to understand the very essence of something will be vital. You will seek out others who can help you attain a clearer perspective of life. Those who only deal in seeing things in a mundane or superficial way will be avoided.

Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th presents an ingenious way to settle any pending legal issues. Those attending school can finish papers and receive a high grade in the process. If self-employed, spare no expense in advertising your business.

Mercury entering Aquarius on the 27th indicates you may be working more from home. Family members are more open to discuss matters in a less highly charged emotional manner.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th may turn you into a homebody. It will be more appealing to spend time with family than to be galivanting about town. DIY projects or decorating will consume much of your attention.

The Great Awakener, Uranus, turns direct on the 30th. He will be shaking up your close inter-personal relationships and partnerships. They cannot be dependent upon now and will be acting quite erratic at unexpected times. Those which you feel have been a limiting influence, will end without warning. New ties will be established with unique individuals.


Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and to everyone’s surprise, turns you into a domestic goddess. You will embark on projects to turn your home into a showplace of beauty and harmony. With all the creative inspiration flooding your being, you will have the perfect idea to showcase your artistic talents.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Differences with your business or marriage partner over finances, which you assumed were resolved, may resurface. Ways to increase income and profits can be explored. However, they should not be launched until Mars goes direct next month.

Mercury transits into Capricorn on the 8th. Since he rules the logical mind, tune into his common-sense energy when making financial decisions and purchases. If you do, you might earn more through investments and get the best deals with things you buy.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th forces you to analyze what should stay in your life and what needs to be terminated. Shared partnership money may come up for review. It might be best to put the brakes on extravagant, ill-conceived spending desired by your business or marriage partner for at least the time being.

Mercury’s passage through Aquarius starts on the 27th and fills you with a hunger to expand your mental boundaries. Taking a course now can prove invaluable with future job prospects.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th adds fuel to the fire and accelerates your great need for expansion and excitement. An impromptu trip out of the country would help calm your restless spirit.

Uranus, known astrologically as the Great Awakener, turns direct on the 30th. He will be triggering some totally unexpected upheavals at the job and with co-workers. Schedules will be almost impossible to keep. A total transformation at work may take place during the next few months. Your company may restructure and as a result shift positions around or eliminate some.


Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and you receive sizzling texts from your lover. What they may have difficulty in saying in person, they can readily write to you. Goats with online businesses will find their sales soaring into new heights.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Use his vibrant emanations to reevaluate close partnerships and relationships. Are you having your needs and wants met by them? If not, examine if it is due to actions on your part or theirs. Decisions may have to be reached if it is worth salvaging them or not.

Mercury, the planet which rules communications, enters your sign on the 8th. He will help you become uncharacteristically bold in speech and speak-up more. Others will be surprised but at the same time attracted to your ready candor. However, do not totally throw caution to the wind with espousing your viewpoints in a too forceful manner. You will risk others seeing you as being overly aggressive.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th shines a bright light on relationship issues. Both business and romantic partners can be overly touchy and sensitive. Handle them with kid gloves and be prepared to listen to their complaints.

Mercury entering Aquarius on the 27th keeps your mind focused on ways to increase your financial holdings. Reading some “how to books “on investments can help you make the right decisions.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th increases your desire to acquire more cash. However, you may possess an equally strong desire to spend recklessly on what you have acquired.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, turns direct on the 30th. Your many creative talents will go through a virtual renaissance. However, your artistic creations run the risk of being too much ahead of the times for others to truly appreciate. Goats with children should anticipate the totally unexpected from them in the months to come. Uranus can also bring in an unexpected pregnancy.

Venus transits into Pisces on the 1st and offers social invitations, where you can meet powerful business allies. Rubbing elbows with the right contacts can be helpful in furthering your financial ambitions.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Problems which you thought were resolved with employees may pop up again. As much as it may try your patience, do handle their insolence with kid gloves. You may find it more difficult with the retro to concentrate on daily routines and be enthusiastic about work.

Mercury transits into Capricorn on the 8th. He may make it difficult for you to freely express thoughts and deep feelings in a succinct way to others. It is best to use his passage in a more constructive way by getting your ideas in order in private.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th has your job performance under scrutiny. If there is a joint project needing to be completed, you may have to take up the major portion of the load and finish it yourself.

Because your ideas are usually light years ahead of others, it can be harder to gain acceptance for them. However, when Mercury enters your sign on the 27th, a lot of your concepts will be acknowledged as the correct answer.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th heralds a time of brand new and exciting beginnings for you. Time to focus on your needs for a change and not others.’ By believing in yourself more, you can be the person who you want to be.

Uranus, your ruling planet, turns direct on the 30th and in the process, rattles the very foundations of your life. Matters at home become extremely chaotic. Unexpected company may just drop in at the worst possible moments. You may become so unsettled with your current surroundings, that you decide out of the blue to move.


Romantic Venus journeys into your sign on the 1st and she sprinkles you with love dust. Others will be magically drawn to you and your winning style. Unhooked Fish will have many chances in finding true love.

Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the 6th. Creative projects which you have been working on may have to be put on hold. This can be due to a lack of inspiration or the time to work on them. Matters of the heart can present some bumps in the road. Best not to push or make judgements under the retro with the relationship.

Mercury enters practical minded Capricorn on the 8th. He can help you logically assess if you are on the right path to obtaining happiness. If not, he can provide you with a better road map to follow.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th has you bursting with creative inspiration begging to be implemented. Fish with children may have their hands full dealing with a lot of excess drama from them.

Mercury transits into Aquarius on the 27th and you will do better navigating through decisions by using your heightened intuitive abilities rather than following the common-sense approach pushed by others.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th makes you want to swim to the depths alone to recharge your being. The Lunar rays will amp up your intuitive abilities in navigating through life. Dreams will become almost prophetic.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, turns direct on the 30th. Your thinking borders on the brilliant, but totally unconventional. Ideas pop in and may even appear to be eccentric or quirky to others. However, if they are utilized, their results will amaze all. Your social media presence takes on a totally exciting new vibe.

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