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Monthly Astrological Forecast : March 2025

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Thinking about cosmetic surgery or a beauty makeover? Better place it on hold. With Venus turning retrograde in your sign on the 1st, you’ll run the risk of turning out like the Bride of Frankenstein, if you do. With her reversal in motion, you may also become lazy, stubborn, and excessively self-indulgent. Watch your weight.

When Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, you will become very articulate in speech. Others will be impressed with your ability to make clearly and decisively fast, but correct decisions. Being mentally charged, you will be more outgoing and quicker to initiate conversations with everyone you come into contact with.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th brings unexpected changes to the workplace. Responsibilities and roles may be reallocated. It is best to delay hiring new people for now.

Naughty Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on the 15th. He can bring quite a bit of chaos into your life as a result with getting your ideas across to others in an articulate manner. They may just not get you or what you are trying to communicate to them.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Beware of lowering your guard around unscrupulous people. If you do, they will readily try to victimize you. Try not to fall prey to insincere sob stories.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th can offer you a tremendous opportunity to appraise your own unique personal potential in a unbiassed way. Do not be overly harsh with yourself in the review but still try to be brutally honest. If you are not getting where you want to go, this is the time to ask yourself why.

When Neptune enters Aries on the 30th, he will try to turn your life into the world of Walt Disney. His mysterious mist will blur the lines between reality and fantasy at times. Your psychic sensitivity will expand greatly. However, with it will come the challenge of learning how to utilize it correctly. Try to see things and people as they are and not as you want them to be.


Venus turns retrograde on the 1st. Use the energy from her backward spin constructively by reviewing ways you have overlooked to make money. See the retrograde as a second chance to correct mistakes in your personal life too. Missed opportunities from the distant past may be offered again. Relationships may take on a very strong karmic note.

When Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, you may need time to be alone with your thoughts. Plans can become easily scattered, if shared prematurely with others. They need additional time to be expertly polished. You will do your best by keeping your opinions to yourself. Otherwise, they might be taken out of context by unscrupulous people.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th will ignite a fire with your creative abilities. Bulls involved professionally in any of the arts, will experience a virtual renaissance with their talents. There will be much praise and positive reviews for your new creations.

When Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th, you may become too overly sensitive for your own good. Try not to read things into what others are saying. On a positive note, his retro will enhance your psychic abilities. You may have a lot of déjà vu experiences and feelings of synchronicity.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. As a result, you might become lazy with pursuing dreams and important goals. Do not allow her backward spin to make you take friends for granted. Make sure you are there for them if they need your help or for a kind word of encouragement.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th will not allow your secrets to stay hidden for long. Keep your personal business to yourself. Also, guard against getting sucked into unwanted cloak and dagger situations. They may just be a trap to ensnare you and boomerang.

On the 30th, Neptune enters Aries and beckons you to delve into the needs of your inner self. At times it may seem like the division between your conscious and unconscious minds become blurred. However, holistic practices like meditation, yoga, or therapy can prove to be strong beacons of light for your inner journey. Neptune energies, if used correctly, can help you learn to let go of the past.


If you have been contemplating looking up old buddies from the past, do it when Venus turns retrograde on the 1st. It will be easier to reconnect with or even plan a reunion celebration. Friendships will go under the microscope at this time. If you have been too busy to help others, you may find that they’re too busy now to help you. Organizations which you belong to may not share your goals any longer. It may be time to walk away if they don’t.

With your ruling planet Mercury entering Aries on the 3rd, you may want to discuss important personal goals with buddies. The feedback and advice they can give now may prove to be invaluable. Showing genuine interest in others' ideas can strengthen friendships.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th can shake up things where your home is concerned. You may start to seriously contemplate moving from where you are living or desire to make radical changes to the home. Some unhappy childhood memories may start to resurface and must be dealt with.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th and causes his general havoc for Twins. Some difficulties with friends or close ties may surface unexpectedly. Try to clear up any misunderstandings as soon as possible. Do not let them fester and cause unwanted break-ups.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Difficulties can develop between you and authority figures. Twins excel at multitasking. However, with Venus retro you may become lazy and even sloppy with getting your work done. Exhibiting a less than polished image or work presentation to bosses can hurt your career.

Long-term goals and how to achieve them will become your main objective due to the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th. Also, up for a brutal review will be friendships. Who you ally with will take on deeper meaning. If they are watching your back or sticking something in it, it may be revealed.

On the 30th, Neptune enters Aries and influences the area of your chart ruling friends, groups, and hopes and wishes. The Neptunian fog will render it difficult to clearly perceive who is a faithful friend or a parasitical foe. Learn to set boundaries when sacrificing for others. Be cautious when picking friends. Avoid people involved with drugs or alcohol. Before you become involved in any group thoroughly investigate them.


When Venus goes retrograde on the 1st, your work reliability may be questioned. Unscrupulous predators may try to encircle you and entice management to question your worth. Do not fall for their bait. Always perform your job with integrity and maintain professionalism when interacting with staff members.

When Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, your communicational skills will be finely polished. Others will see you coming across with authority and command when you speak. Management will be impressed and may even implement your suggestions.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th shines a spotlight on your siblings or neighbors. You may find they need your assistance very unexpectedly. Offering assistance or providing well-considered advice can significantly benefit them and will likely be remembered.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th and may have you second guessing career decisions. Do not change your original course. Some misunderstandings can emerge over work related communications. Take care that the messages you are giving out do not leave a bad impression on others.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Crabs may become downright lazy when it comes to working on school projects. Avoid legal issues. They can become drawn out and increasingly complicated under her backward rays. Long distance trips can turn out to be costlier than originally intended.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th will make you extremely desirous of achieving greater heights of fame and fortune. Use these potent energies as a wake-up call to forge a path to obtain them. There may be some major changes where you work. A total remodeling of the corporate hierarchy, a major promotion for you, or even a shiny new job offer may materialize.

When Neptune enters Aries on the 30th, he will cover your career area with his mist. If your profession is in the arts, entertainment, or spiritual fields, he can bless you with potential fame and fortune. Crabs will start to lean towards helping and healing professions. Keeping yourself grounded in achieving clear goals may become difficult. Avoid scandals and unethical jobs or bosses.


There may be an immense pull on you to travel to places which you visited before when Venus turns retro on the 1st. The urge to delve into past studies, either of an academic or spiritual nature, will be strong too. New legal matters should not be instigated but placed on hold until she goes direct in April. Otherwise, they will not be met with success in the courts.

With Mercury entering Aries on the 3rd, your mind becomes like a sponge and readily absorbs knowledge. If you have been putting off taking a course, because you think it is too difficult, sign up for it now. You will find it will not pose the imagined struggle. Your soul will also hunger to broaden its understanding of transcendental concepts. Attending workshops or seminars on spiritual and mystical beliefs can open a new pathway to your Higher Self.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th is judgement time with finances. If you have been very good at sticking to a budget, rewards will be forthcoming. If you have not, you may be shocked by forgotten charges placed on your credit accounts. Time to get your finances in working order.

On the 15th, Mercury turns retrograde and turns long distance trips into total chaos. Check and reconfirm all bookings before going to the airport and get insurance for all luggage. His backward motion is good for editing all writing projects.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Investment opportunities, which you bypassed to your ultimate regret, will resurface. Needed funds for your business can materialize from a generous backer.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th can beckon many Lions to return to school or to go far beyond their initial educational goals. Those involved in careers having to do with getting ideas across to the public, like writers, lecturers, or podcast journalists, can widen their audiences immensely. What you have to say or espouse will take on a greater impact with the public.

When Neptune enters Aries on the 30th, Lions may start to experience difficulties with concentrating and learning mundane subjects. Your soul will yearn to study courses which are ethereal and have intangible qualities like art, music, spirituality, and philosophy. Beware of getting involved with false gurus. Legal matters can become very tricky.



When Venus goes retrograde on the 1st issues may arise concerning joint finances. Their proper management may be disputed between you and your business or marriage partner. Also, exceptional care should be made with filing all taxes. Being too “creative” with claimed expenses and income can get you into a lot of future hot water with the IRS.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters fiery Aries on the 3rd. As a result, you will want to discuss things normally considered taboo before. Concerns about the very intimate aspects of your sexual relationship can be aired out in a healthy manner with your partner.

The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th shines a bright spotlight on your leadership abilities. Others will be seeking your advice and guidance. A new life path may become apparent to you.

Your ruler Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th. As usual, when he does his backward spin, your Virgo sense of order is thrown totally out of whack. Avoid applying for any loans, additional credit, or a mortgage. Besides not seeing the fine print on the documents, you may not be able to pay them off. Wait until he turns direct.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. She may make it increasingly difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship with your business partner or spouse. You can easily fall prey to unsubstantiated feelings of being unloved or unwanted by your significant other. Guard against blowing things totally out of proportion or you’ll blow the relationship up in the process.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th will challenge you to seek a better balance with shared resources with your partner. It will demand that you weigh your personal needs vs the needs of your significant other in an unbiased manner. A major transformation in attitude and approach from both of you, maybe required to navigate through joint funds, investments, spending, taxes, and pension funds.

On the 30th, Neptune, the planet of Illusion, will enter Aries. His fog will slowly start to cover the area of your chart which governs sex, power games, other people’s money (partners both business and marriage), estates, and taxes. Exercise caution and discernment in these areas of your life. Even the most street smart can experience being taken to the cleaners and back under his deceptive vibes.


Venus turns retrograde on the 1st and relationships with your spouse, business partners, and clients may all become devoid of harmony. Trying to maintain a sense of peace and fairness will become a difficult, if not an almost impossible challenge. If you have been avoiding facing what is wrong in your relationships and not making the needed corrections, Venus may end it for you. Try not to magnify slights. New relationships started now have almost impossible odds withstanding the test of time.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, and you’ll find you share a greater mental simpatico with your partner than imagined. Since you are both on the same cerebral wavelength, important ideas and joint projects can be bounced around.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th has potent issues from the past resurface. They may have become overtime roadblocks impeding your progress. Use the eclipse’s powerful energies to clean up the cobwebs in your memories and subconscious.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th causing some imbalance in communicating with partners. You may feel like you are experiencing the Tower of Babble, with no one understanding what the other has to say. In dealing with clients, try to be as clear as possible to avoid any misunderstandings as to terms and agreements.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Her backward energies may lure you into becoming quite lazy at work and sloppy with details. As a result, some static and annoying feelings can develop in your relationships with irritated co-workers.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th will focus its energies on your close interpersonal relationships, marriage, and business partnerships. You will be asked to examine if they are running along smoothly or if repairs are in order. Also, if you feel it is worth working on a restoration or total overhaul or not.

On the 30th, as Neptune moves into Aries, he may affect your perception on business and marriage partnerships. Anyone seen as your other half or significant other falls into this category too. Potential partners can be deceptive and not be who they appear to be. Time to take off the rose-colored glasses. Avoid “needy” people. They will suck you dry either emotionally or financially or maybe both.


When Venus retrogrades on the 1st be prepared to have your hard work overlooked. Your co-workers will try to leave you eating their dust, as they scramble to shine. This is one of the worst times for you to seek or start a new job. If you have been planning to hire someone to work for you, best to delay it. They can turn into the employee from hell. Even engaging someone to perform services will be problematic. Their work can be sloppy or must be redone, plus you will not receive a refund.

With Mercury entering Aries on the 3rd a beneficial opportunity will be presented to increase or perfect your working skills. Taking advantage of it can help you rise to the top. You will be more mentally tuned-in to pay attention to intricate details with new systems.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th can bring much-needed overhaul with friends. The ones who have been acting deadweights or weasels will be severed. New people, who share your interests and genuinely want the best for you, will start to enter your life.

With Mercury turning retrograde on the 15th, you can experience a multitude of foul-ups at work. Deadlines might need extensions. It may become increasingly difficult to get employees to work as a team. Avoid starting a new diet until Mercury turns direct. Otherwise, it will be doomed to failure.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. She may get a lover from your past to knock on the door to your heart. By opening it, you may find things have improved for them and the fires of passion still burn.

If you have been negligent with your health, the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th may give you a wake-up call. Developing good habits with proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep can keep you running in the long run more efficiently. If your workplace environment has turned into a toxic site, it might be the time to initiate restorative measures. Maybe hiring a Feng Shui master to realign the office is the magic touch to create harmony among fellow employees.

On the 30th, Neptune’s mist will start to cloud the sector ruling your work and health. This can lead to confusion about your duties or actual position at work. Schedules and daily routines may become increasing more difficult to keep. You might consider leaving a stable, well-paying job if it is perceived as mundane. Instead, you may endeavor to pursue a new career path in a healing or helping profession. You may become more susceptible to medications and chemicals.


An old flame from your past may resurface when Venus turns retrograde on the 1st. If you allow them back into your heart, you may be pleasantly surprised. You both still have deep feelings of mutual love for each other and the flames of desire are effortlessly rekindled.

New romances under the goddess of love’s retrograde, however, are not so favorably blessed. Best to admire from afar under these rays and not start a new romance until she goes direct in April.

Mercury enters fellow fire sign Aries on the 3rd and causes others to greatly enjoy your animated conversations. Your speaking ability will take on an engaging entertaining flare. Archers involved in the theatrical arts should expand their talents by taking greater risks in performance.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th illuminates your position at work. You will be seen in a very complimentary light by management. Besides praise, a promotion may be in store for you. Self-employed Archers will be getting first-rate PR by the media.

Mercury turning retrograde on the 15th can bring a re-connection with an old flame. Reviewing what went wrong in the past may get it to rekindle correctly in the present. You may feel your creative spirits have gone on vacation. Seeking a new muse may be the cure.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. As tempting as it may be, do not succumb to the temptation of redecorating or buying any furnishings for your home. If you do, you will never be truly happy with it when she goes direct next month.

Fallen into a rut and feel uninspired to start anything new? The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th should give you a needed cosmic kick to get back on track dazzling the world with your limitless talents. The eclipse will challenge you to ask what brings true joy to you. Once your heart and soul identify the target, let your arrows fly.

On the 30th, Neptune will enter the sector ruling your love life, children, creativity, and speculation. You may fall in love with being in love and foolishly fall prey to self-deception in relationships. If they need to be bailed out or saved, run far away. Neptune’s energies will be fantastic for those involved in the creative or entertainment fields. Archers who have children may encounter misunderstandings with them. They might start experimenting with drugs or alcohol. Make sure you research the legitimacy of all speculative ventures before investing in them.


Those shopping for their dream home should put it on hold when Venus turns retrograde on the 1st. Any real estate purchased under these vibes can turn into your worst nightmare before the ink is even dry on the mortgage. Also, avoid using any home decorating ideas which maybe dancing through your head.

Intimate discussions with family members can be fruitful when Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd. You will not have to suppress your emotional concerns over touchy subjects with them. Instead get them out in the open. A good airing out of them can be beneficial for all involved.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th may compel you to be determined to make a dramatic return to school. Even those with a degree will not be immune to the Eclipse’s rays. You will strive for greater academic achievements.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th and your mind starts to wander down memory lane. Try not to get caught up with the ghosts from the past. If they should pop up, see them as karmic lessons which you learned from.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Guard against getting your hoof stuck in your mouth from speaking out of turn. Try to think before lending unwanted opinions to others. As tempting as it may be, keep all petty gossip to yourself. Otherwise, your witty remarks will come back to bite you.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th challenges you to delve deep into your psyche. It will inquire whether your emotional needs are being met. Have you become so focused on career goals that you have lost touch with your inner self and needs? Security issues with the home and relationships with family members become a bigger concern too.

On the 30th, Neptune enters the sector ruling the very foundations of your being, home, family, and inner self. It can become challenging at times to clearly assess whether you are sacrificing too much or not enough for parents and other family members. Your sense of judgement may be lacking when house shopping. You can be deluded into seeing a potential money pit as a tremendous investment opportunity.


When Venus goes retrograde on the 1st, you may become a repeat offender of foot in mouth syndrome. Keep your wisecracks in check too. The urge to come out with sharp criticisms may be overwhelming at times. Signing important contracts and papers should be avoided. You will run the risk of being too lazy or impatient to read the fine print before signing on the dotted line. Presentations can come across as scattered and annoy your listener’s ears.

As Mercury starts his transit through Aries on the 3rd, you will become more flexible with your thinking processes. Seeing the other person’s point of view, will be necessary to make important decisions for all group and teamwork activities. You will become a master of multi-tasking to the amazement of all.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th brings unexpected decisions to be made concerning joint funds, taxes, and retirement funds. Do not allow yourself to be rushed into doing things you do not feel comfortable with.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th sowing chaos with your communications. Calls, messages, emails, and texts are all susceptible to getting lost or mixed-up. Double check all that you write. Do not make empty promises either. Others will be counting on you fulfilling them.

Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th. Watch your spending like a hawk. She will tempt you to make unnecessary overpriced purchases. You can also become lax in handling investments properly.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th may find you advancing ahead even further with academic pursuits than originally planned. You could also decide out of the blue, to be trained in a totally new field. Be brave and utilize your extraordinary ability to think out of the box. Dazzle the masses with unique presentations, talks, and an electric innovative social media presence.

Neptune moves into Aries on the 30th, affecting your logic, communication, siblings, and neighbors. At times you may feel like an airhead because it may be difficult to focus on practical matters. It can be challenging to articulate your thoughts accurately. Though, when you least expect it, Neptune can bless you with a silver tongue, being able to inspire the masses. Negotiations can be tricky. Best to have a lawyer review all agreements. Relationships with siblings and neighbors can be challenging to maintain.


Don’t fall prey to binge spending when Venus turns retrograde on the 1st. You will only wind up sinking into a murky pool of unnecessary debt. It may be tempting to try to seek escape from feelings of inadequacy or loneliness by busting the bank. Instead use her energies to thoroughly review your finances and create a realistic budget.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd and makes you very practical minded with finances. By analyzing your expenditure, you can produce some easy ways to save money. By bargaining, you can achieve substantial discounts on items and services too.

The Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign Virgo on the 14th, may expose the cracks which are present in close partnerships and relationships. If you use the rays correctly, you can mend them successfully. If you feel the ship is sinking and it is not salvageable, you can bail out.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th and delays payments of promised funds. Try to get cash up front from all customers. Avoid making mistakes when making payments. You might be overcharged if you're not careful.

Venus retrogrades back into your sign on the 27th. She may get you to question your appearance. As a result, you may make an unwise decision to change it. She may lure you into becoming lazy or overindulgent in food too.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th can bring an important financial wake-up call for Fish. If you have been getting an insignificant catch of profits, is it due to lack of attention on your part with investments? It is time to swim in more abundant fishing waters. First though, do intensive homework before casting the net.

On the 30th, your ruling planet Neptune transits into the area governing your money and possessions. He will complicate your ability to manage clearly finances in a fog-covered sea. The water surrounding you can be full of hungry sharks. So, you will have to take vigilant care not to be a victim of swindles, risky speculations, and “get rich quick schemes.”

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